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In this Perfect Moment On this Perfect Day

By Martie Hevia | Blue Beach Song™

Have you ever witnessed a perfect day and wished you could capture it somehow and live it again at will? You know, like record it or save it and play it again like you do with songs on your MP3 player?

Blueberry Bee 2 - Martie Hevia (c) 2010

I am witnessing just such a day.

The sky is perfectly blue, not one cloud. The sun feels soft, not harsh, nurturing the new buds and sprouts. The breeze is gentle and aided by the many tall white birch trees that canopy over parts of my garden. The temperature is so comfortable, so perfect, you don’t even notice it, until you do… like silence.

A Perfect Day - Martie Hevia (c) 2010A dozen different kinds of birds are chirping, competing for attention, fighting for location on the birch trees’ branches, or perhaps defending their Easter-like, egg-filled nests. Hundreds of bees are buzzing, tirelessly working, visiting all the new blooms… so many colors, so many varieties.

The sound of a distant dog’s plaintive bark grabs my attention for a moment, probably asking to be let back in. And I feel so at peace in my backyard, sitting on my white Adirondack chair drinking it all in, I almost feel guilty.
I can’t imagine anywhere in the world I would rather be, than right here, right now, in this perfect moment on this perfect day that quietly belongs to me.

Selfishly, I want to gently capture it so that I will be able to bring it back when I’m old and gray.

Martie Hevia © 2010 | All Rights Reserved

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4 Comments leave one →
  1. 2015-January-23 1:00 AM

    I love your outlook on life Martie and can appreciate where you’re coming from. Some moments you wish were timeless. Thanks for sharing.

    • 2015-January-23 10:45 AM

      Thanks, Matt, for reading and sharing your kind words. (Perhaps some moments can be timeless, if we make the effort to be present in the moment and paint a mental picture.) All the best. -Martie

  2. 2010-April-10 12:49 AM

    that was a pretty picture too bad its going to rain on monday in san diego 😦

    • 2010-April-11 11:13 AM

      Thanks, Tania. The dark clouds, cooler temps, and drizzling started yesterday, the day after I wrote the post. Today, Sunday, it is VERY windy and the rain is coming! Stay dry down in San Diego. -Martie (C:

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