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Sharing The Beauty of Magnetic Poetry

By Martie Hevia | Blue Beach Song™

Sometime around fourth grade, long before I ever remember seeing a magnetic poetry kit, I used to write words on small pieces of index cards and put them into a Sucrets lozenge metal box.

My collection of random words, after proper shaking, provided a great source of inspiration for some of my early songs and poetry. They were strictly for inspiration because, more often than not, there would be something missing… a critical word, an indefinite or definite article, or the right punctuation.

Still, there was something magical about creating poetry from a randomly selected twenty to forty little pieces of card stock. It was almost as if the universe had a hand in its creation, some form of divine collaboration. It was magical to a ten-year-old.

At some point decades later, I bought myself a magnetic poetry kit. It was a nice improvement over my pieces of index cards in a Sucrets tin box, albeit much more expensive. Still, it did offer moments of inspiration as it filled in gaps of boredom in terrible traffic or long airplane trips, and it offered momentary diversions on many occasions before opening the refrigerator door.

Over the years, I have jotted down a few of these spontaneous moments of poetry and, with a bit of embarrassment, I will share some of these with you.

Always He by Martie Hevia
To leave love without a why was death.
Will you not have me
for a spring night?
Let it blossom over a lifetime I ask you.
Feel my warm rain fall
from a winter sky.
Summer breeze.
Barren earth.
Moon and sun.
Minute, day, century…
Always he.

Dark Snow by Martie Hevia
dark snow
eternal season
summer rain
warm my death
(for Steve)

Love Ends by Martie Hevia
Love ends slowly
Like a winter day.
Clouds pass through
A long frozen night sky.
Falling stars,
Barren earth,
Wet moon,
Cold sun,
Ice melts…
Spring breeze
Whispers hope.

Solstice by Martie Hevia
Love ends slowly
Like a cold winter day.
You leave me always falling
Like a star passing over
a wet night sky.
I ask why
Always you.

Leave Me Falling by Martie Hevia
You leave me always falling
Like a frozen night sky love ends
Your cold breeze passes through my barren winter days
Dead star
I ask why
Love ends

Little Girl by Martie Hevia
I once was a little girl
who dreamed big dreams
I had no doubts
I was brave
Where is she now?

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