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Life is Fragile, She Realized

By Martie Hevia | Blue Beach Song™

She faced terrorism twice in the last six weeks. She escaped the first time with only emotional scars, but she lost her life today in the early morning hours.

Just a month ago, she was at the Eaton Centre food court in Toronto “just seconds before someone opened fire in the food court.” She witnessed the aftermath and it left her shaken and thoughtful about the fragility of life and the importance of not taking it for granted. She wrote about it in her blog. It would be her last blog post.

The second time she faced terrorism was today in the early morning hours in Aurora, Colorado at a midnight showing of the movie Dark Knight Rises. She was one of twelve people who lost their lives at the hands of a merciless and crazed soul.

Tonight I heard about Jessica Redfield (Gwahi) for the first time. She was 24 years old. The idea of this beautiful, full-of-life young woman crossing paths with two lone shooters, in two different countries, within one-an-a-half months seemed unfair. What was she thinking when the shots rang out? Had she gotten that “sickening feeling” again, like she did in Toronto, but this time chose not to leave? I felt the need to read her last post, to get to know a little bit about this vibrant person with her whole life ahead of her.

I thought you might, too.

Below, are the last two paragraphs of her post, Late Night Thoughts on the Eaton Center Shooting. Her compelling words of wisdom serve as a legacy and as a lesson for us all.

“I was shown how fragile life was on Saturday. I saw the terror on bystanders’ faces. I saw the victims of a senseless crime. I saw lives change. I was reminded that we don’t know when or where our time on Earth will end. When or where we will breathe our last breath.

I say all the time that every moment we have to live our life is a blessing. So often I have found myself taking it for granted. Every hug from a family member. Every laugh we share with friends. Even the times of solitude are all blessings. Every second of every day is a gift. After Saturday evening, I know I truly understand how blessed I am for each second I am given.”

~Jessica Redfield, June 5, 2012, A Run On of Thoughts

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