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A Moment with Nature: The Pacific Coast

By Martie Hevia | Blue Beach Song™

As much as I appreciate the efficiency of writing on a laptop, there is still no feeling like picking up a heavily weighted and perfectly balanced pen to write on a crisp, quality piece of paper, decadently gold-edged and hardbound in a leather journal.

A journal travels well tossed in a hiker’s backpack or a beachcomber’s bag for a day of hiking, meandering, pondering, dreaming, reveling, and relaxing. And thus, either with camera in hand or through pen and journal, I cannot help but attempt to capture in some way, for some later day, my moments with nature.

Here are some of those moments… -Martie

The Pacific Coast: Carmel, Monterey & Half Moon Bay

Walking barefoot along the cold wet sand, I watch the pelicans dive for fish and the sandpipers play tag with the rolling waves of foam that I allow to reach my feet.

My mind wanders, hypnotized by the incessant sounds of the crashing waves, the seagulls’ cries, and the distant foghorn, barely managing to step over black whip-like seaweed and small sand-colored crabs.

The intoxicating smell of salt, iodine, and fish in the air is addicting and I find myself deeply inhaling as if it will cure all ills. I even like the wet wind whipping and drenching my hair.

In seconds the sun will sink into the wet horizon, skipping crimson colors across the choppy dark blue ocean, while faintly bouncing off the darkened rocky cliffs.

This amazing light show signals to the gray thick marine layer to roll in, transforming the emerald coastal mountains into softened silhouettes, and blanketing the slate blue cold Pacific Ocean for the night.

Carmel Sunset Couple zazzle_print

Lone Sandpiper at Watsonville Beach zazzle_print

Pacific Grove on the Rocks zazzle_print

Rocks on the Sea print

Carmel in Silver print

Carmel Sunset in Gold print

Big Sur Rocky Beach print

Birds at Watsonville Beach print

Big Sur Rocky Coast print

Gone Fishing zazzle_print

Boats on Monterey Bay zazzle_print

Monterey Marina zazzle_print

Boat on Monterey Bay zazzle_print

Martie Hevia © 2012 | All Rights Reserved

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